Weekly Sharing - Plagiarism


PLAGIARISM: what is it and how to avoid ?

        Is it our crime when we do not fully understand about the effect of  the activity which we have done? then, is it our fault. When we have been taught only to read and answer the question based on text  without analyzing and understanding the text. Even more, you get a big bad mark from your lecturer if you do copy paste something without referencing it. If you are in that position, you are in the same level  with me. Our education system teaches us about the plagiarism in the small portion when we were in  high school. Even worst, our university system obligates us to avoid it when we do our final project and thesis project, but how?  Only few course which is taught by visionaire lecturer conduct a project which introduce and motivate student to avoid plagiarism. Moreover, Sarlauskiene & Stabingis, (2014) suggest that  the institution level or language community should have a definition, and fixed format about a kind of plagiarism and the institutional level should have consequence about a student who do plagiarism. Therefore, this  paper should be read by those who just enter the university and old semester studet in order to know about plagiarism and how to avoid it.
       Devlin (2006) states that plagiarism is an activity that presents somebody works and claim it as their own works. She categorize plagiarism as a crime. Moreover, she suggests that plagiarism should be tackle by university policy maker.  Sarlauskiene & Stabingis, (2014) reports that plagiarism activity in Pennsylvania Public University can be like presenting the works which is not done by you, you are quoting and paraphrasing data and ideas without referencing the source and the original writer and you are pare resenting, paraphrasing and quoting ideas or work with minimal changes.
            In advance, Victoria University of wellington defines plagiarism as the activity which present somebody ideas as your idea without referencing the sources. Those activity can be: 
     - Copying a source from journal, book jour and etc without an acknowledgement.
     - Copying the organization and structure of material 
         Victoria university also give brief stetement that make minor changes to wording or changing the order of sentences still commits as plagiarism. It means if you change the synonym and the order of sentences (passive- active) only, you still commits as plagiarism.
         knowing the plagiarism, then, how to avoid it ? To avoid it, you need to paraphrase and quote it in the right way. When you paraphrase a theory from journal or book, you need to use your own words. It is not enough if you change the synonnim and changes the order of sentences.Then, you need to understand  the source  which you read deeply.
        To sum up, plagiarism is an activity which present sombody works as your works. Plagiarism is also categorized  crime. Therefore, University student should avoid it because it violence the copyright law and it invites students to be lazy and reduce their critiical thinking  on  analysing  the source which they red

Devlin, M. (2006). Policy , Preparation , and Prevention : Proactive minimization of student plagiarism Policy , Preparation , and Prevention : Proactive minimization of student plagiarism. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 28(April 2015), 37–41. https://doi.org/10.1080/13600800500283791
Sarlauskiene, L., & Stabingis, L. (2014). Understanding of plagiarism by the students in HEIs of Lithuania. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 110, 638–646. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.12.908

Article post by M Nurul Mahardika
